Procurement Search Tool homepage screenshot

New tool to educate on sourcing goods and services

Shoppers have access to a tool to find goods and services, general ledgers, category codes, allowable purchasing methods, or connect with an expert buyer.

Central Procurement released new enhancements to the Procurement Search Tool, which launched in November 2022. Open the Procurement Search Tool to watch a training video, explore available contracts, and locate goods and services aligned with the new eight product categories: 

  1. Administrative Supplies and Marketing 
  2. Facilities and Fleet 
  3. Food and Beverage 
  4. IT Hardware 
  5. IT Software 
  6. Professional Services 
  7. Scientific and Research 
  8. Travel and Hospitality 

Central Procurement is excited to implement an additional user enhancement supporting the Strategic Procurement Transformation. Chief Procurement Officer Duane Elmore said, “Sourcing answers are at shopper’s fingertips. The new tool combines multiple outdated manual resources into a one-stop shop. The Procurement Search Tool is easy to navigate and identifies the best sourcing and payment options. Find what you need with a keyword search.”  
Penn Staters are encouraged to log in to the Procurement Search Tool to learn about sourcing goods and services, save frequent views as a favorite, and rate their experience.